Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

Combat the signs of ageing, you would be surprised at how effective this clinically proven procedure can be at reducing the signs of ageing. If you are looking for younger, healthier lookingskin without the need for surgery, then this is the treatment for you.

A full consultation will allow us to create a bespoke skin tightening treatment tailored to you. Each session will last approximately 40 minutes, depending on the number of areas being treated. During the session, clients must remove any makeup and cleanse the treatment area for effective results.

The radio frequency will reach temperatures of up to 40 Degrees Celsius and this will be monitored throughout the session to limit any fluctuations. Clients can expect zero discomforts during the session with minimal redness following the procedure.

Due to the nature of the skin tightening technology, collagen fibres can instantly begin to thicken.Therefore, clients may be able to notice results immediately. You may only need the one session, however this is dependent upon your personal goals. A full consultation will enable us to identify the number of sessions you require.