Neo Aesthetics offers laser hair removal, using advanced technology to provide a comfortable and highly effective treatment. Our hair removal enables you to benefit from reducing the hair on areas of your body and the freedom from shaving and waxing for the majority of skin types and hair colours. It is the most effective method of hair removal available that can be used almost anywhere on the face and body.

Unlike other methods laser hair removal gives long lasting results avoiding in-grown hairs and irritation. Targeting the hair follicle rather than only the hair shaft. The hair will become finer and softer, meaning less visible with the growth process slowing down more with each treatment. Also improving uneven skin tone and pigmentation which are results from shaving and waxing.

Clients can see benefits from just one treatment. However for those that have not had treatment we recommend a course of 6-8 sessions for the best results. Depending on clients hair type some may require top up or maintenance treatments.

Treatments are normally between 4 – 7 weeks apart in order to catch all hairs in the correct stage of hair growth for a successful result.


Before undergoing any treatment, we will conduct a consultation and a patch test. This is to determine whether you are suitable for the treatment firstly and to show you how the treatment works.

This also allows us to give you a more realistic expectation in regards to the results and advise clients on how many treatments they may need. You will receive aftercare information during your consultation before the Laser Hair Removal procedure.

Before your treatment we advise clients on the following: Do not sunbathe or fake tan for one week prior to your treatment, do not use saunas, hot showers or steam rooms for at least 72 hours after the procedure due to skin sensitivity. It is advised that you refrain from excessive exercise for a few days also.

Avoid sunbeds or direct exposure to sunlight for a few days after treatment.